Ordinary video games with elements of gambling. Loot box problem

Video game developers make money not only by selling games, but also by selling various goods inside games. They cultivated the concept of loot boxes, the presence of which is now equated by some with gambling.

What are loot boxes?

For the internal currency of the video game, or for some achievements, players receive loot boxes. They contain a gift. It can be either something mega exclusive and useful, or some useless thing. If, say, you played football, then in the loot box you could find, for example, the best scorer in the world or a pair of socks.

Why are loot boxes equated with gambling?

The point is that you can buy loot boxes. The developers do not openly talk about the possibility of receiving and spending real money on the game. But on special sites you can buy or sell those things that you need for a more successful game or the internal currency of the game. Gamers can spend a lot of money buying these loot boxes. This is tantamount to gambling. You place a bet and wait for how lucky you are. After all, a gamer never knows what will hit him this time.

Australian psychiatrists and researchers want more regulation of these opportunities, as they are addictive, a kind of gambling addiction. When gamers get addicted to buying loot boxes, they can't stop afterwards.

Video games selling loot boxes do not fall under the current definition of gambling, as developers do not officially take money and then do not give players cash. There have been various studies showing the psychological effects on humans and explaining the development of addiction. Therefore, they have enough opponents.

But loot boxes also have defenders. They think it's as innocent as football cards or a kinder surprise. I would say loot boxes are more like a scratch card lottery. You take a card, erase the protective layer and see if you are lucky or not.

Some countries are seriously studying the problem of loot boxes, as young people are actively spending on it. And some manage to spend a lot of money. Maybe in some countries this will be prohibited in the future and developers will either have to abandon loot boxes or acquire a license to organize gambling.

My opinion is that loot boxes can really be addictive. And they can actually be equated with gambling. What do you think?

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